Day: November 2, 2021

Website Speed is Important for Google

Website Speed is Important for Google

Website Speed is Important for Google. There’s a lot that goes into building a successful website. The design and content are, of course, the most important factors — if you don’t have those aspects watertight, then you’ll find it difficult to have any level of success. But even if you do have those things, you […]

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Households to Remain Worse Off than Pre-Covid

Households to Remain Worse Off than Pre-Covid

Households to Remain Worse Off than Pre-Covid until 2023, says Watchdog. Households will remain worse off than they were before the pandemic until 2023, the UK’s independent forecaster has warned. Charlie Bean, an Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) committee member, told MPs that incomes would not return to 2019 levels for another two years. He […]

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